Saturday, October 4, 2008

5th October 2008

JOvi and JImmy stayed over my place last night, JOvi slept at my place, while Jimmy slept at JOhn's place. last night, me and Jovi talk a lot of shit.. talk whole night,

Till 4am..

BUt i slept at 5.30am due to the disturb of JOvi's snoring.. damn, can't sleep.. but i din't blame him.. Haha.. then i woke up about 9am this morning, went to take a shower cause din't take it yesterday.. damn dirty heay..

then when everyone woke up, we went to the city and meet shane( our boss for today) HAha.. Ohh yeah, JImmy din't join us cause he's nt feeling well.. hope he is allright.. Haha.. when we arrived city.. Shane call JOve said that he missed the bus.. so we had to wait for a while.. we went to FAMOSA for lunch.. then Shane came after about 15 minutes.. Haha.. after our lunch.. we went to chill outside Utopia.. then saw YANNY AND GLORIA( her honey) haha.. she changed a lot.. getting _ _ _ ngek ngek.. but still looked nice..

after that, we decided that we gonna have a movie, ( THE JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH) not really nice, just some part were intresting, i felt asleeping during the begining of the film.. Haha..

After the movie, we went to MC donald to grab ourself something to eat, i din't eat cause NO $$$$.. kakakazzzz.. then went back home with JOHN.. BAck home.. sitting down facing my computer chatting with my friends.. HAHAZ.. that what i always do when i face my labtop.. by the way today is NANA( wen CHUN's birthday) a female friend of mine from Shanghai.. WIsh her a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ Hahax.. that all for today, so gonna stop now.. blog next time..

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